Saturday, October 27, 2007

Warning: One in Five Australians is a Member of a Union

Now the government is trying to show it has a proportional number of unionists, so in their own bizarre way have been forced into ‘me tooism’, even though there is no policy actually being copied, and it was only an issue because they made it one first. Kind of like bagging the next big thing then having to jump on the fad for coolness reasons. Did any body really like those kids?

The witting and unwitting Liberal stooges on 2UE and 2GB have certainly been running the line that Tony Abbott and Brendan Nelson had been members of unions, revelations which have arisen in response to the clearly stupid branding of Julia Gillard as a communist by Peter Costello in his ‘fear unions’ tirade. Was he trying to temp them to uncover the information so the liberals could come to school with their yo-yo, which only a week ago was so derisively dismissed as for ‘losers’. I’m getting the feeling Costello was not popular at school. Incidentally Gillard is clearly a communist with hair like that.

Labor fired the bully a couple of days ago anyway, so unions are now all clean.

Several high ranking Liberals have been reported by callers to have been members of student unions. They are not exactly unions are they. Besides the Howard government has already busted up that self interested cartel. They wrecked up the joint real good. I wonder where our next Joe Hockey will come from when ‘student union president’ can not make its way onto resumes. As an exercise, imagine Joe Hockey, Student Union President and then wonder why he did he not become a union bully boy himself? He could have been a contender. Maybe that is where the loathing comes from … sleepless nights pining for a missed calling.

Meanwhile, the NSW government is highly likely going to privatize a portion of Sydney Ferries, in part to be able to deal with the MUA, also known as the really powerful union. The Federal Coalition has tried to bring the NSW Government into the election campaign, as being seen with Morris Iemma is problematic due to him acquiring a nasty taint of corruption and I have heard he reveals his true form in photographs and mirrors. When John Howard made a direct move to draw him in to join the game, Iemma simply declined. Did Howard think he was really that stupid?

Maybe now Howard will be asking Iemma to campaign with him instead, as those nasty unionists prepare a savage counter attack to the inquiry report into ferries when it is released next Wednesday. The Sydney Morning Herald reports it will certainly advise some level of privatization. This is in part to sidestep the impediment of union ties to politicians and previous attempts at reforming the ferry work culture. It does not play well into the Howard line that back to back Labor governments in Australia will lead to unions ruling for unions. The NSW branch will solve their union problem in a Howard friendly fashion. Now all Rudd needs is for the MUA to carry on for a bit and then whimper down in time for November 24, to be seen as bested by Premier Watkins.